Wednesday, November 20, 2013

That Moment When: The Juvenile Diabetes Edition

That moment when you hear your child cough/move/sigh/talk in the middle of the night and you lay in bed for three seconds trying to decide if its insane to jump up to check on him....just before jumping up to check on him, blood sugar meter in hand.

That moment when you miscount carbs and quickly grab something off his plate, hoping he wont notice.

That moment when you don't know if he has high blood sugar or if he is just being a normal, hyper child.

That moment when you don't know if he has low blood sugar or if he is just in a crabby mood.

That moment someone overhears you say,"He's been high all day."

That moment when you don't get enough blood to check his sugar and the meter reads error, causing you to use another strip and sometimes prick another finger while saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry over and over as he complains or cries.

That moment when you check your child out of school to avoid classroom parties filled with candy and cookies.

That moment when someone asks you how your child is doing and you give them blood sugar number, whether they know what it means or not. (Opps...sorry.)

That moment before the meter tells you what the reading is and you say over and over in your head, "Please be good, please, please be good."

That moment when you find out another parent is caring for a T1D child and you genuinely feel for them because you know exactly what they are dealing with everyday.

That moment when you google "cure for type one diabetes" and feel hopeful and sad all at the same time.

That moment when you come home from the hospital with a newly diagnosed child and it's 100 times more stressful than when you brought him home as a newborn.

That moment when friends or family try to understand what you deal with every day but really can't. The trying means a lot though.

That moment when you go out to eat and your child gets embarrassed at shot time because he doesn't want anyone to see him get his injection.

That moment when anyone from his school calls during the day and your first reaction is to panic.

That moment when you let yourself think about all the scary, horrible things that can happen if you don't stay on top of this every single day.

That moment when your alarm goes off at 2:30 AM to do another night time blood sugar check and the weight of this condition sits on your shoulders as you fumble through the house, looking for his meter.

That moment when you tuck a glucagon emergency kit into your back pocket when you child wants to go for a bike ride/walk around the neighborhood or even just play outside in the yard.

That moment when your child tells you his hands/legs/arms feel shaky and your heart drops to your stomach in a twinge of fear/worry/panic but you calmly check his sugar and feed him something so he wont see how much all of this scares you.

That moment when you have to tell him that he can't have any more cake even though he only had a few small bites and everyone else had big slices.

That moment when you debate calling the endocrinologist because you don't know if you are being a worry wart over the matter or if it's important.

That moment when someone asks you how you are and you don't think about yourself but your child. If they had a good day then you had a good day.

That moment when people surprise you by how much they care.

That moment when you find out someone you know has a T1D child and you feel a little bit less alone.

That moment when you call your friend and are crying from lack of sleep and complete stress and she comes over to your house and cleans it while you take a nap before going back to the hospital to be with your child. (Love you, Hayley)

That moment when your own mother says she wishes she could take all of this away from you and your child and you nearly cry because you've said the same thing to your T1D kiddo.

That moment when a friend of your mom shows up unexpectedly to the hospital on the first night after diagnosis with a bag of snacks for you and your husband and a bag of toys, crayons, and coloring books for your son. (Thank you Jodi Burr)

That moment when your child's school goes out of their way to help you anyway they can. (Thank you Apollo Elementary)

That moment when you get a message on Facebook from someone you haven't seen since  your school days and they are so kind, and so supportive that it warms your heart. (Thank you Rachel)

That moment when you realize you need a night out of the house and your friend makes the best plans and gets free tickets. (Thank you Courtney. Halloween 2013 will go down in the history books.)

That moment when you know you are on people's prayer lists. (You know who you are...too many to list and I don't want to leave out any names. Thank you)

That moment when you realize people actually read your blog.
(Whaaaaaaat? Thank you.)

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